A> INTRO TO COMPUTER SCIENCE Lesson 1. Intro to Python A. Install Python & IDLE B. Declarative knowledge vs. Imperative knowledge C. Fixed vs. Stored program computer D. Interpreter vs. Compiler, Programming language: Syntax, Static Semantics, Semantics – and how a program can Crash E. Simple programming in Python – Assignment #PS 0 PDF slides for the […]
Categories: Hack Your Education, Learning to Code, Resources, Training Log | Comments Off on My 5-part Computer learning program
Last night, I spent the first of many nights to come, dedicated entirely to learning computer science and programming. Here is the structure I have chosen for my learning, and why. The next few blog posts will involve a lot of my notes from each of these courses. When I collect enough information, I will […]
Categories: Feminisms, Healing / Trauma / Mental Health, Personal Reflection | Comments Off on Security is a network of mutual care
“Linux is a beautiful operating system,” said P, a kindly tech trainer with gray hair from the UK, “because it is held together by our trust in each other.” We sat together in a workshop on email encryption – Thunderbird, to Enigmail, via Seahorse. The registration of public and private keys. Sharing keys in our […]