Hacking Your Education┋ Indy Book Culture & Arts on Margins┋ Electricity, Electronics, Data Cables & Wireless Networks, Information Technology, Software Development / Testing / Documentation, Metal Craft & Fixing Things┋ Brain, Universe, Evolution, Math: Beautiful Stories in Science ┋ Zines, Comix, Bookfairs, & Rogue Spaces┋BIPOC, Intersectional, & Majority World Feminisms┋Theory vs. Materiality: A (Violent) Geneology of Utopia┋Love's Labor: Lust – Gazing Back at Patriarchy (with Google Glasses)┋Spinsters, Witches, Lesbians, Whores: Bad Girls As Collateral Damage in the Invention of Love & Marriage┋Queer/ Trans/ Crip Cyborg Bio-Hacking┋Transformative Justice: The color of Capitalism is the color of Prison ┋ To Be a Backpacking Taoist: A Nomad's Work of Care & Creativity
Categories: Cybersecurity, ManiFiesta | Comments Off on A Cypherpunk’s Manifesto

# Reposted from here. I am a n00b just learning about things, but I found this to be inspiring and informative – something I want to revisit often in the months to come.   Privacy is necessary for an open society in the electronic age. Privacy is not secrecy. A private matter is something one […]

Categories: Feminisms, Healing / Trauma / Mental Health, Personal Reflection | Comments Off on Security is a network of mutual care

“Linux is a beautiful operating system,” said P, a kindly tech trainer with gray hair from the UK, “because it is held together by our trust in each other.” We sat together in a workshop on email encryption – Thunderbird, to Enigmail, via Seahorse. The registration of public and private keys. Sharing keys in our […]