Hacking Your Education┋ Indy Book Culture & Arts on Margins┋ Electricity, Electronics, Data Cables & Wireless Networks, Information Technology, Software Development / Testing / Documentation, Metal Craft & Fixing Things┋ Brain, Universe, Evolution, Math: Beautiful Stories in Science ┋ Zines, Comix, Bookfairs, & Rogue Spaces┋BIPOC, Intersectional, & Majority World Feminisms┋Theory vs. Materiality: A (Violent) Geneology of Utopia┋Love's Labor: Lust – Gazing Back at Patriarchy (with Google Glasses)┋Spinsters, Witches, Lesbians, Whores: Bad Girls As Collateral Damage in the Invention of Love & Marriage┋Queer/ Trans/ Crip Cyborg Bio-Hacking┋Transformative Justice: The color of Capitalism is the color of Prison ┋ To Be a Backpacking Taoist: A Nomad's Work of Care & Creativity
Categories: Learning to Code, Training Log | Comments Off on Notes 2: Creating my first Python game

Creating my first Python game – objects, expressions, variables, loops, containers, functions # The following notes are taken from Lecture 2 and Recitation 1 of MIT Open Courseware’s Intro to CS; and the “Python Basics” module in TreeHouse. # Programs are intended to be read by humans, not just executed. That is why we create comments […]

Categories: Learning to Code, Training Log | Comments Off on Notes 1: Intro to Python, BASH, Django

A> INTRO TO COMPUTER SCIENCE Lesson 1. Intro to Python A. Install Python & IDLE B. Declarative knowledge vs. Imperative knowledge C. Fixed vs. Stored program computer D. Interpreter vs. Compiler, Programming language: Syntax, Static Semantics, Semantics – and how a program can Crash E. Simple programming in Python – Assignment #PS 0 PDF slides for the […]