Hacking Your Education┋ Indy Book Culture & Arts on Margins┋ Electricity, Electronics, Data Cables & Wireless Networks, Information Technology, Software Development / Testing / Documentation, Metal Craft & Fixing Things┋ Brain, Universe, Evolution, Math: Beautiful Stories in Science ┋ Zines, Comix, Bookfairs, & Rogue Spaces┋BIPOC, Intersectional, & Majority World Feminisms┋Theory vs. Materiality: A (Violent) Geneology of Utopia┋Love's Labor: Lust – Gazing Back at Patriarchy (with Google Glasses)┋Spinsters, Witches, Lesbians, Whores: Bad Girls As Collateral Damage in the Invention of Love & Marriage┋Queer/ Trans/ Crip Cyborg Bio-Hacking┋Transformative Justice: The color of Capitalism is the color of Prison ┋ To Be a Backpacking Taoist: A Nomad's Work of Care & Creativity
Categories: Art as Activism, Digital Librarian as Info-activist, Hack Your Education, Personal Reflection, Training Log | Comments Off on 2015 Resolutions (Super version)
The sunrise - January 1st, 2015

“I hate new year’s day,” Antonio Gramsci wrote in 1916. “Every morn­ing, when I wake again under the pall of the sky, I feel that for me it is New Year’s day. That’s why I hate these New Year’s that fall like fixed matu­ri­ties, which turn life and human spirit into a com­mer­cial con­cern with […]

Categories: Hack Your Education, Healing / Trauma / Mental Health, ManiFiesta, Personal Reflection, Training Log | Comments Off on 改善: Designing a Personal Command Center, part 1

Can people change? Can we heal our traumas, internally and interpersonally? Can we adopt better habits, attitudes, and ways of self-management? Can I systematically solve the puzzles in my most deeply ingrained behaviors – the character flaws that have held me back for over a decade? How can learning about computer programming be an avenue towards […]

Categories: Art as Activism, ManiFiesta, Personal Reflection | Comments Off on The Uninvited ManiFiesta for Relational Art
Music brings people together

SHORT. There is a tortured relationship between the performance artist and the audience. It is an unstable relationship of dependency. The artist requires the applause of the audience to sustain her spirit and livelihood. Her very self-worth is put at risk during each performance, and she makes herself extremely vulnerable….For the audience, the entertainer is […]

Categories: Feminisms, Healing / Trauma / Mental Health, Personal Reflection | Comments Off on Security is a network of mutual care

“Linux is a beautiful operating system,” said P, a kindly tech trainer with gray hair from the UK, “because it is held together by our trust in each other.” We sat together in a workshop on email encryption – Thunderbird, to Enigmail, via Seahorse. The registration of public and private keys. Sharing keys in our […]

Categories: ManiFiesta, Personal Reflection | Comments Off on Avatar-Suicide: shadow play [dead]

‘[We] are all chimeras, theorised and fabricated hybrids of machine and organism: in short, we are cyborgs. This cyborg is our ontology: it gives us our politics. This is an argument for pleasure in the confusion of boundaries and for responsibility in their construction’ Donna Haraway, ‘A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology and Socialist-Feminism in the […]