Hacking Your Education┋ Indy Book Culture & Arts on Margins┋ Electricity, Electronics, Data Cables & Wireless Networks, Information Technology, Software Development / Testing / Documentation, Metal Craft & Fixing Things┋ Brain, Universe, Evolution, Math: Beautiful Stories in Science ┋ Zines, Comix, Bookfairs, & Rogue Spaces┋BIPOC, Intersectional, & Majority World Feminisms┋Theory vs. Materiality: A (Violent) Geneology of Utopia┋Love's Labor: Lust – Gazing Back at Patriarchy (with Google Glasses)┋Spinsters, Witches, Lesbians, Whores: Bad Girls As Collateral Damage in the Invention of Love & Marriage┋Queer/ Trans/ Crip Cyborg Bio-Hacking┋Transformative Justice: The color of Capitalism is the color of Prison ┋ To Be a Backpacking Taoist: A Nomad's Work of Care & Creativity
Categories: Comix, Cybersecurity, Learning to Code, Resources, Tutorials, Works In Progress | Comments Off on Resources for beginning hackers: 1st cartoon tutorial

In Progress…  DRAWING!! Happily… Will update soon

Categories: Book Reviews, Feminisms, Works In Progress | Comments Off on Janet Halley’s Split Decisions – book review

//14.12.16  I have been reading Janet Halley’s book, Split Decisions: How and Why to Take a Break from Feminism, from the Feminist library on Calibri, shared through the local network at GTI. This post-in-progress will be my reflections on some of the ideas in this book. I will add to this post, little by little, […]

Categories: Digital Librarian as Info-activist, Hack Your Education, Resources, Works In Progress, Zines | Comments Off on Digital Librarian as Info-Activist

[This blogpost will be an ongoing repository of links related to digital librarianism for resistance movements. I will refer to these links as a resource while I put together a series of zines on these topics for distribution in NYC-based zine distros. I am inspired to create a radical feminist hacker space at the Bluestockings […]