Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer system, whereas software refers to the machine-readable instructions that tell a computer’s processor what to do. In Lecture 1 and 2 of Intro CS, we talked about the Von Neumann Architecture of a stored-program computer. In 1945, mathematician and physicist Von Neumann first wrote about […]
Can people change? Can we heal our traumas, internally and interpersonally? Can we adopt better habits, attitudes, and ways of self-management? Can I systematically solve the puzzles in my most deeply ingrained behaviors – the character flaws that have held me back for over a decade? How can learning about computer programming be an avenue towards […]
A> INTRO TO COMPUTER SCIENCE Lesson 1. Intro to Python A. Install Python & IDLE B. Declarative knowledge vs. Imperative knowledge C. Fixed vs. Stored program computer D. Interpreter vs. Compiler, Programming language: Syntax, Static Semantics, Semantics – and how a program can Crash E. Simple programming in Python – Assignment #PS 0 PDF slides for the […]
Last night, I spent the first of many nights to come, dedicated entirely to learning computer science and programming. Here is the structure I have chosen for my learning, and why. The next few blog posts will involve a lot of my notes from each of these courses. When I collect enough information, I will […]
In Progress… DRAWING!! Happily… Will update soon
//14.12.16 I have been reading Janet Halley’s book, Split Decisions: How and Why to Take a Break from Feminism, from the Feminist library on Calibri, shared through the local network at GTI. This post-in-progress will be my reflections on some of the ideas in this book. I will add to this post, little by little, […]
[This blogpost will be an ongoing repository of links related to digital librarianism for resistance movements. I will refer to these links as a resource while I put together a series of zines on these topics for distribution in NYC-based zine distros. I am inspired to create a radical feminist hacker space at the Bluestockings […]
SHORT. There is a tortured relationship between the performance artist and the audience. It is an unstable relationship of dependency. The artist requires the applause of the audience to sustain her spirit and livelihood. Her very self-worth is put at risk during each performance, and she makes herself extremely vulnerable….For the audience, the entertainer is […]
“Linux is a beautiful operating system,” said P, a kindly tech trainer with gray hair from the UK, “because it is held together by our trust in each other.” We sat together in a workshop on email encryption – Thunderbird, to Enigmail, via Seahorse. The registration of public and private keys. Sharing keys in our […]